For me everything I see has poetry hidden within...
You were Mr Famous in town Mr Brown skin with calypso eyes who scribbled the skies on a paper floor the one my mother loved more than whiskey twice without ice and the children she left behind
I am my father's child wild at heart scribbling for hours in showers of rain inane delight running barefoot across the sand in winter
At the foot of the tree I came to tell You how grateful I am but instead my heart overflowed with tears that my eyes could not contain
What freedom now to be alone & gaze at stars & soft sea foam What freedom now to loose the shoe that tied the taming of the shrew
Fig trees bear olives Olive trees bear figs twigs lay bare where blossom used to be salt sea produces fresh water we oughta know better by now you think?
Here is a poem I wrote to myself before finding a way out... She offered me a plate of chilli beans and pulled back the screens of her life a battered wife of four years five months twenty one days & counting She offered me a plate of steak pie I wanted to cry but I took the knife carved away the battered wife of four years five months 21 days and no more counting...
Destiny outlined the edge of the track when back to the wall I slept it kept on moving a steady pace creating space Divine momentum on the train of Hope
I lean on the rock unblock my heart start to overspill & in the still quiet sound I found your hand beneath the sand leaning close You whisper "Take heart Be strong"
Wisdom wore the shabbiest coat in the room under-stated subtle quiet & through the crowd she whispered "Here I am" I found her I embraced her She led me straight to You
High heels & shiny shoes wayward walking & backward blues but now the memories are cold time is old let the dawn break open a brand new day
I step in to the bubbling brook my feet greet the stones below each toe touching the altars my forefathers laid made before You what wonder what love what joy
Your Love walks in to the shadows of my neighbourhood & eyes see the fluidity of the dreams they left behind now unwind find at last Resurrection Hope
We're going places You & I above the daylight urban sky places I have never been unseen hills, valleys plain no GPS no slanting rain
What beautiful feet you have that travel on life's highway soft to the touch making much of heaven's heart of love what beautiful feet you have
My first poem was published at the age of 7 in the children's comic Dandy. They paid me the grand sum of fifty pence. I bought two chocolate bars and a packet of bubble gum.... Maureen Tuohy
Photography by Esther Jervis
© 2023 by Maureen Tuohy Proudly created with